About Us
White Dog Candle llc

My name is Roczi.

My name is Tucker.
We are the dogs in White Dog Candle.

We started making glass jar candles back in 2019.

But that was boring.

So we started making pie candles.

I like Pie.

They are Pie Candles Tucker.


Then we started making Cocktail Candles

I like Cocktails!
Especially the tail part.

Then we created Dessert Candles.

Yum Yum!
I Love Dessert.

We also make Drink Candles.

My favorite one is the Peach Tea but I mostly drink water.

This past year we added Wax Melts.

Those are the only ones I’m allowed to have in my dog house.

And new this year we make Fire Starters.

I set my tail on fire one time. My fire privileges have been revoked.

I remember that.

So Tucker and I invite you to browse through our shop and let us ship you a candle that will make you smile and enjoy the amazing aromas of your lifetime.
